by Clara Lee
I first picked up photography when I was studying in Polytechnic. I wanted to capture the many fun, crazy and wonderful memories I had with my course mates. Capturing memories and expressions thus became my main purpose in photography.

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After I became a Christian, photography became part of my relationship with God. I am often fascinated by what God shows me through the lens. He simply speaks to my heart and teaches me valuable lessons through the pictures.
I took the above photo during a Mission trip to Cambodia in 2011. I went there as part of the Vocational Bible School Team with the intention to serve. However, the children I saw through my lenses at Kampong Speu taught me how to serve instead. Through their expressions, I understood love. Through their simplicity, I understood faith. Through their positivity, I understood hope.
“Your creative mind is the greatest gift God has given to you and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him.” These words of Oswald Chambers truly resonate with what God has placed in my heart.
My chief motivation in taking photos is not simply love for photography, but love for God. When I shoot, I take stories, not just photos.
Writer’s Profile:
Clara attends the Saturday Praise Service and oversees the Photography department of the Creative Arts Ministry. Besides taking photos, some of her likes include running, acoustic jamming and reading newspapers at cafes.

This article first appeared in Issue 7, April 2013 CHORUS Magazine.