by Krist Ng
I was making my way to the train station one day when I saw a lady with a camera walking past me. She was pointing the camera in my direction, as if trying to capture something behind me. I turned around and looked out of curiosity. Strangely, there was neither beautiful sunrise nor magnificent architecture, just a plain neighborhood. I walked away puzzled, saying to myself, “I’ll never understand what she was trying to capture.”
The World of a Photographer
The world of a photographer can be very lonely and separated from others
He’s the only one who sees through the lens
He’s the only one who sees that picture he has in his mind
For no two photographers will ever produce the same image
When the image is presented to the world
Some may not understand what the photographer is trying to convey
Lonely and separated is the photographer from this world
We are all like photographers who use only the kit lens
We see the world through a filtered perspective that is given to us by God
Yet our vision is still so limited
Our zoom so short ranged
That we cannot see what is so far and beyond
Everything is a blur
God is the one who uses the wide and long lens
He sees the big picture and sees what is beyond our naked eyes
Writer’s Profile:
Krist attends Saturday Praise Service and is currently part of the Creative Arts Ministry. She picked up photography in 2008, and is constantly exploring how her photos can bring across God’s message to the people.

This article first appeared in Issue 4, April 2012 CHORUS Magazine.