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COR One Camp

The months leading up to June were led with anticipation for this much raved about Church Camp! Indeed, ενότητα 2017 lived up to its hype of coming together as ONE church. While the camp may have lasted only four days and three nights, it was truly an exciting time of learning God’s word and catching up with one another. Read what Esther Cheong (Saturday Praise Service) and Joshua Chin (Mustard Seed Service) have to say as they mused on the significance of this camp.


“My last COR family camp was in 1993… I stopped attending family camps as a youth and eventually, I grew accustomed to not participating. This year, however, I felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting to join Family Camp 2017…Over a casual chat, Bishop Kuan challenged me to invite my parents…By faith, I asked despite the rocky family circumstance and Family Camp 201

7 became the first time I travelled and roomed with both of them.

Although I could only take a small step of faith, God brought reconciliation and healing to my family through the camp. I’m thankful to everyone who extended their warm welcome to my parents. Dad enjoyed the fellowship with old friends and they mingled well with my friends and cell members. My brother even brought my father and Jenny for their first group outing to JB after family camp!”

Esther Cheong (SPS)


“ενότητα 2017 was a special one for me. Being the youngest member of the committee, I was tasked to be the MSS representative and also, plan for the Gala dinner. It was an eye opening experience to see members of the church from different congregations gather to plan this camp. The team was very cohesive and every meeting was fun, yet productive.

Church camps always mean a lot to me because we set aside three to four days for our community and God. It’s amazing how God works in His own ways to speak to us. We all have our worries and fears, be it exams or difficult family situations (but) as we gather to worship God, He always refreshes us. Sometimes I wonder why it is at camps where I feel His presence the strongest. Over the years, I came to realise that our longing and wanting to meet Him plays a part… We need to be ready to wait for His answers, to feel secure in the Lord, to have a refreshing touch from the Lord. God works everyday, but COR church camps sets the stage for us to receive… God will answer when we meet Him with an expectant heart. Our community is important and Church camps will always serve the purpose of building our relationships to become One church.”

Joshua Chin (MSS)

This article first appeared in Issue 17, November 2017 CHORUS Magazine.









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