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COR Youth Camp 2022 - Khadasha (New Thing)


Just a week before Christmas, the youth of COR participated in the first physical youth camp which took place from 17 to 20 December 2022, after about two years of heavy restrictions and virtual activities due to the pandemic. With the theme set as “Khadasha (New Thing)”, everyone, including myself, was a little puzzled with what it meant.

Headed by Mustard Seed Service (MSS) members Xavier Guo and assistant Marion Yeo, the 4D3N camp began without a hitch. Personally, I was filled with anticipation and just an inkling of fear. Having entered MSS many years ago with the expectation of wild youth camps and even crazier games, I was hoping for nothing less this year. Additionally, I was given the role of being a group leader to a bunch of kids – with the majority of them being new to the youth service. By the grace of God, I wasn’t disappointed.

The next few days were filled with zombie-filled mystery nights, rainy weather with an occasional clear sky, K-drama level break up skits, sermons literally being shouted at us (thanks Isaac Ong, you’re the best!), Argentina versus France, running for the showers, pieces of art being destroyed by (ahem) ruthless camp committee members, and ultimately, the presence of God stirring within the community of MSS, Yashab, and New Life services.

Despite our busy schedules, I believe that God had created this time and space as a way for all of us to not fixate on the past, and look forward to the New Thing God is doing in our lives. I can safely say that He has definitely done something new within these few days, with many of the members re-dedicating themselves or even coming to Christ through the sessions.

Having been blessed with such a great, ever-expanding community, I know that it is not by chance that we are here, and I am certain that God will continue to make new waves within us with every passing year. United as one, COR Youth Camp 2022 is a memorable journey that I will always look back on.




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