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Divine Getaway 2017

Moving in the Realm of the Supernatural

From 20-21 May 2017, eighty-five ladies from various churches in Singapore gathered at Holiday Villa, Johore Bahru for a Divine Getaway organised by the Ladies Ministry of Chapel of the Resurrection. There were more participants than expected because many were eager to know about ‘Moving in the Realm of the Supernatural’. We were not disappointed as the speaker, Rev. Margaret Seaward, expounded on the theme in 4 sessions: Is the Supernatural for today? What is the Supernatural? Why do we need the Supernatural? Who and Why?


by Grace Chua

Each session was powerfully illustrated with scripture and testimonies of her personal life and ministry. We were all very blessed by her teaching and sharing which left a powerful impact on us. There is no doubt in our minds, after all these teachings and true life testimonies, that the supernatural is for today. God is still at work supernaturally for those who have faith in Him and His Word, for those who obey Him and His Word. The challenge for each one of us is to be His signs and wonders on this earth!

Besides being blessed with anointed teaching, everyone was ministered and anointed individually by the Holy Spirit through Rev. Margaret Seaward. There were healings, infilling of the Holy Spirit, deliverance, rejuvenation, refreshment as we received the ministry of the Holy Spirit. God was present among us through His Word and His Holy Spirit. His Spirit was also evident by the love and unity among us.

We all left the retreat feeling blessed beyond words; knowing that God had spoken to every one of us. God met with each of us and imparted His precious Word and His Spirit into our lives so that we can transcend the natural laws to live supernaturally.


Writer’s Profile:

Gracehas been serving both in the Prayer Ministry and Ladies Ministry for many years. She attends the Sunday Worship Service with her husband Alfred.


This article first appeared in Issue 17, November 2017 CHORUS Magazine.






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