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In His Strength

by Ken Loke

I was baptized in All Saints English Congregation in the mid-90s and after a few years there, I started praying for the Lord to lead me into a small Anglican church so I could actively serve Him and experience each growing stage of a church.

I ended up in CCF (Century Christian Fellowship) and began to serve in the church committee. At that time, CCF’s service was held at Golden Village, Tampines Mall. CCF grew from about 50 to 120 and at times, 150 attendees!

At this time, I started a software development business. As with all new business start-ups, there were stress and challenges. Yet God gave me the strength and wisdom that I needed to manage my new business and serve in CCF. I will always remember Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

In 2007, CCF decided to move into Simei Care Centre. Shortly after, several members began leaving the church. Finally, all the committee members left, except me.

By the time I was asked to lead worship, I was also the People’s Warden, Chairperson and a Cell Leader! I prayed and asked God to send 3 persons to me as confirmation if it was in His will for me to lead worship as well.

Indeed He sent 3 persons to me on 3 consecutive Sundays. The third person was Canon John Benson. He did not ask, he simply said “Ken, why aren’t you up there leading worship!” Thus, I took up an additional role. One pastoral staff, Chi Shyan, said one Sunday, “Ken, you ran up to the stage after welcoming everyone and after the worship, you dashed down to the front to introduce me, amazing…” These words encouraged me. It dawned on me that with Christ, I could do all things!

When I thought things would turn for the better, the staff leading our ministry at CCF, James Ang, left and I was appointed Priest Warden. CCF did not have a pastor at that time and thus I had to attend to the members as well. I sought Canon James Wong for advice. Those short sessions with him encouraged and motivated me. Canon Daniel Tong also impressed on me the need for CCF to develop a strong committee.

After sometime, however, I began to be extremely anxious over the fate of CCF. I decided to step down from ministry, as I was afraid that my anxiety would get the better of me. I prayed persistently every morning. It was one morning late last year when God spoke to me through Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I am back to serving God in the church committee again. Am I less busy with my business, the answer is a flat “No”. I am actually busier these days. Why am I back to serve even when my workload has become heavier? This is because I have always held on to Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Praise be to God!


Writer’s Profile:

Ken Loke is married to Adeline. Their son Peter, studies at Saint Andrew’s Junior College. They worship as a family in CCF. Both Adeline and Peter also serve in CCF. Ken is the CEO of Bizmann System, a software development company he founded in 2002.


This article first appeared in Issue 11, August 2014 CHORUS Magazine.



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