When I was a youth in COR many years ago, I often avoided the topic of missions. It therefore felt surreal to sit in the plane on 22 Oct 2019 and make my way to Kampung Speu,
Cambodia, for the sixth time. I teamed up with the medical NGO One-2-One.
A team from COR comprising of my co-leader Jasmine, Chong Jin, Veronica, Louis, Amy, Lingna and myself were beginning our medical mission. Together with our faithful Cambodian counterparts Rev Tit Hieng, Pastor Vibol and Peah, we teamed up with the medical NGO One-2-One. Over the next three days, we visited four villages in Kampung
Speu, providing free medical consultation, medicine and prayers for 242 villagers.
Some children had open wounds on their legs and the medical staff promptly helped to clean them up. Though the cleaning was painful, the children endured it patiently,
knowing that this was necessary in order to recover. It reminded me that when God is in the process of healing us emotionally, pain is sometimes inevitable as memories are surfaced and met with God’s amazing love.
We thank God for a chance to visit a totally new village! The health of the villagers here was generally poorer, and almost 100 villagers came during the medical consultation. Though we were exhausted at the end, God blessed us with a surprise! At the fringe of this village was a beautiful lake backed by several mountains. It was the most beautiful landscape I had ever seen in Cambodia!
Our Father loves the people of Cambodia and we can see His love moving in this land.
I would also like to take this chance to thank our prayer coordinator, Hui Im, and our personal prayer warriors who showered many prayers over us.
It is said that those who go on mission receive more than they give, and this is definitely true for me. Though there are challenges, a mission trip warms my heart in many ways. The smile on the children’s faces when they see you once again, the joy of catching up with our Cambodian brothers and sisters, and seeing how our Father chooses broken vessels like us to bring forth His healing are simply priceless.

我们代表复活堂开启了一支医疗宣教团队,队员包括副组长 Jasmine, Chong Jin, Veronica, Louis, Amy, Lingna 和我自己。在柬埔寨忠心的同工 Tit Hieng牧师, Vibol 传道和 Peah的带领下,我们与非官方组织“一对一/一二一”组队进行活动。接下来的三天里,我们探访了斯普镇里的四个村庄,提供免费的问诊和药物,并为242个村民祷告。
我要借此机会感谢我们的祷告协调员Hui Im,以及我们专属的祷告勇士们,他们以代祷浇灌了我们。
JULIAN appreciates a good book with his favourite latte. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, and exploring nature on his mountain bike. He currently worships at Saturday Praise Service.

This article first appeared in Issue 20, December 2019 CHORUS Magazine.