Woon Weili and Jonathan Lau
Weili: From the moment we arrived, it was a new experience for me, both in landscape and heat level. On the first day, the adults rehearsed a song and dance and the boys went to practise our play, “The Prodigal Son”. Fortunately, the meals were decent (yay!). That night, the Lau and Woon brothers performed for the kids and thankfully, it was well-received. The next day, we went to the local church and shared about the Good Samaritan, while the adults attended service with the local parishioners. Despite not speaking a common language, I saw that all of us worshipped as one body and the kids also had fun doing art activities. On hindsight, I learnt that there weren’t that many differences between the kids and us. We all had lots of energy to expend creatively and it was very enjoyable being with them.
However, one thing saddened me. The children we met fought tooth and nail over every reward given, like a piece of candy—things that Singaporean kids will take for granted. You can’t help feeling sorry for them, yet wishing their lives could be changed with a snap of your fingers.
Unexpected events happened too. From improvised rehearsals to fending off an ant brigade in the hotel room, the trip consisted of comedic moments. While I remembered the lessons learned, the moments I remembered best were these short but humorous ones.
Jonathan: My cell group, Faith, embarked on a mission trip to Batam with another cell, M’kkaddesh. The adults were in charge of a song and dance item and a sermon at the service. Wei Li and I were tasked with doing two skits—‘The Prodigal son’ and ‘The Good Samaritan’—for the children.
Before the trip, I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I felt a bit bored as I had been to Batam thrice in the past two years. On the other hand, I felt nervous as I had to perform for children half my age. During the trip, I learnt a key lesson: However small a task you are doing for God, it’s still serving Him. Initially, I harboured doubts about performing in front of little kids as they can be judgemental when you make a mistake. My mother then reminded me this wasn’t for me, but for God. Eventually, I agreed to do it. We enjoyed it as it was nice watching the children laugh at our horrible acting!
I would go again because these trips are very meaningful; they make a difference in other people’s lives. And however small your deeds are, God still looks on them with favour.