Joel Chin has been in COR since his birth. Read about how the Lord brought Joel to meet his old secondary school friend, Wern Lin (Wern), in the Army and brought him to COR. They both currently attend the Mustard Seed Service (MSS).
Wern: Having been a part of COR for a year now, I can confidently declare that it has been the best year of my 21 years. This is no mere coincidence. I have been so privileged to be on the receiving end of the Lord’s commission through my friend, Joel. Oddly enough, although Joel and I have known each other since our secondary school days, it was only when we were serving our National Service together did we become more than acquaintances.
Joel: I knew Wern in secondary school, but I never got to know him well, so I think God placed us in the same eight-man team during National Service to reconnect. It was Wern’s Christian music playing from his bunk bed which led to our intensive conversations about Christianity and church. This in turn led me to invite Wern to our service and cell group--which he accepted! I was elated! However, it was really the warm fellowship at church that helped Wern feel at home in COR. Wern made time to attend dinners and smaller group meetups outside of service, and his enthusiasm really encouraged me, as I had felt frustration facing obstacles in my personal evangelism. Now that Wern is baptised and confirmed in COR, I hope that our testimonies will be an encouragement to never give up! Keep praying, keep sharing with your friends and family that are not yet saved. All glory to God!
Wern: Before coming to COR, I had already identified myself as a Christian. I had visited other churches, but had never settled in one. Joel invited me to attend MSS and I observed how its members worshipped wholeheartedly, discussed the Word fervently, and welcomed newcomers jubilantly. I didn’t grow up in a Christian family, so initially I was a bit intimidated when I saw how close the members were. However, my concerns about fitting in were unfounded because the members were both hospitable and approachable. My cell group, El Olam, is simply a cool group of many different personalities, who revel in bringing glory to God. This is evident from their day-to-day conversations and their service in the various ministries in COR.
Over the past year, I have forged many wonderful friendships and taken great strides in my walk with God, guided by my fellow COR mates who took living out their faith seriously. We spur each other on in praising and trusting our infallible God, zealously declaring our faith, and sharing the word of God. I am overjoyed to be baptised and confirmed in COR, and I am eager to make many more memories with my COR family.

陈锦恩参加复活堂已有21年。让我们来了解上帝是怎样让锦恩与他的中学同学汶霖在国民服役时相遇。锦恩和汶霖两现在都参加 Mustard Seed Service(MSS)的聚会。
汶霖:来到复活堂之前,我已称自己为一名基督徒。我之前也曾参加其他教会,但没有留下。当锦恩邀请我参加MSS的时候,我见识到复活堂的弟兄姐妹们都全心全意地敬拜主,热情地讨论神的话语,喜悦地欢迎新人。不在一个信徒家庭长大的我,当我看到复活堂成员们关系多么亲密的这一幕让我有点令人生畏。但是他们还是依然热情好客,平易近人。 El Olam(我们的小组)虽有着很多不同性格的人,但大家都热衷于为上帝带来荣耀,从我们的日常对话及大家的服侍中可以看得出。

This article first appeared in Issue 19, April 2019 CHORUS Magazine.