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Story 33: Veronica Lee

Updated: Oct 28, 2020


I started going to church when I was in Primary 5 or 6. My uncle and aunty would bring my brother and I along with some other cousins. But church was just like another Sunday outing; more fun than anything.

I only started being serious about my walk with the Lord when I was in Secondary 4. I was really stressed about my O Levels. So I began to attend church more regularly and was in a community that cared, loved and prayed for me. I felt God’s love and concern through the people that He placed in my life and that built my faith and trust in the Lord.

After I started working, my colleague invited me to the 9am service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Later on, I joined Cathedral’s new church plant - St. Andrew’s Community Chapel (SACC) - and spent 12 years there. It was during that time that I pulled David into the Anglican Church (we had met at the workplace; in fact, when we came to COR, I found another old colleague here - Jonathan Lee!), and the rest is history.

When we first came to COR, my younger daughter, Clara, attended the children’s camp. I was amazed that the youth were so willing to help out in the camp. It was like a big family and everyone was involved in one way or another. I like the culture and vibes of this church!

Joining a new church family is always challenging. I am actually very introverted and slow to warm up to others. Nevertheless, I thank God that I was able to settle into COR pretty quickly. One of the challenges I had was remembering all the names of the members. So during my first year, I tried to sit in different sections of the Sanctuary to get to know the members. That helped a lot, but I still cannot remember all the names!

Serving in a ministry also helped me to get to know more people and build relationships. I've always liked playing with children since young. So naturally, the best place to be in is the Children's Ministry. The children remind me to have simple childlike faith. I wouldn’t say I’m a good teacher, but I always tell God that these five loaves and two fishes are all I can give Him.

Now that we have been here for 2 years, I've discovered that there are many talented and gifted people in this church! The musical and creative talents are obvious. There are also people with very sharp minds and great organisational skills. Several of the ladies love to cook and they are very good at it, some are very good at crocheting/knitting and they use what they have to bless others and as a creative way of outreach.There is so much potential in this church and I can’t wait to see how God is going to use this church to do greater things for Him!



开始工作以后,我的同事邀请我参加圣安德烈座堂早上9点钟的聚会。随后我便加入由座堂建立的支堂 – 圣安德烈社区教会 (SACC),并在那里度过了12个年头。当时David和我在同一家公司上班。加入了SACC以后我也把David带到那里去。事实上,来到复活堂以后我又碰到一位旧同事,而他就是Jonathan Lee!





This article first appeared in Issue 20, December 2019 CHORUS Magazine.




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