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Where We Belong

Take a read as CHORUS requests two of our senior members, Chelladurai Subasanran and Khoo Hwa Chiang, to share about their faith journey and the role that COR has played in their growing faith.

by Chelladurai Subasanran

The year was 1974. Then an 18-year-old, I started attending the Church of Good Shepherd when my pre-university classmate shared about Christ with me and invited me to the youth fellowship meetings there. There, I grew much in the Lord as I went for bible studies, evangelistic meetings and outings.

The next year, I started attending the Holland House Church that Canon James Wong, the priest of the English Congregation of the Church of Good Shepherd, had just started. This house church eventually played a part to start Chapel of the Resurrection (COR) in 1979.

It was at COR where I first started serving, as a member of the Physical Arrangement Group – people who arranged the chairs. This group and the cell group helped me to grow further. Eventually, I also matured to become a cell group leader.

I started serving in the Parochial Church Council (PCC) in 1988, initially as a committee member involved in church matters ranging from financial commitments to staff employment. Then, I became the People’s Warden, responsible for making many important decisions before they are tabled at the PCC. I became the Vicar’s Warden in 2009. My priority was to support the Vicar. I regularly attended the Saturday morning prayers, and took time to fellowship with the Vicar over breakfast. We bounced off ideas and opinions on many church issues.

I also chair the Missions Committee. I have been involved in missions since 1990, when we supported the work in West Malaysia. Then it was Tanjong Balai, Pontianak, Medan etc. My parents were poor, and I identified with the poor in these places and the struggles they went through daily.

It has been a privilege to serve in various ministries and leadership positions. They help me give back to God the blessings I enjoy through Him and connect with various members of COR, both young and old.

Many have asked me why I have not moved on from COR. I believe the Lord has a purpose for me to worship in COR, even till today. Both my children Nathanael and Priscy were baptised and confirmed here. My wife Pearly is also actively involved now. Until I hear from the Lord “Subas, move to another church” I will be in COR. We are a family — we have grown up together, and have seen our children grow too. This is where I belong as God’s child.


by Khoo Hwa Chiang

I was visited by sincere members of the COR visitation team on three separate occasions when I was living in the Telok Blangah estate. It was the persistent “Knock, knock!” on my door that led me to COR. The team was rejected by me on the first occasion due to “busyness”. The second invitation was accepted. However due to miscommunication, it turned out unsuccessful. I did not pursue the matter further. A few weeks later, the team came for a follow-up. At that point of time, I was curious and ready to find out more about COR and Christianity. This happened 33 years ago.

The presence of God gave me a sense of peace that attracted me to attend each Sunday service regularly. The biblical preaching impacted and challenged me greatly to trust in God. After a few weeks of searching and reading, I was convicted to surrender my life to the Lord.

Regular home visits to share the gospel strengthened my faith in God and forced me to delve deeper into knowing God’s Word. It also gave me a sense of purpose not to skip teaching sessions conducted at the end of the Sunday services, even though that meant giving up my favourite Big League soccer program.

The warmth, acceptance and love shown among members were reasons for me to remain rooted in serving God in the COR family. Most importantly, I felt that there was no reason to leave for another church without hearing God’s call to a new purpose. Together with Grace, our Christian growth hinged on regular attendance in services, teaching sessions, prayer and cell group meetings, devotions and in serving Him in whatever way we could because we believed that these were essential to building a strong foundation in Christ.

Similarly, our children were also raised and nurtured through the discipline and life of COR – Sunday school, Feet-washers, Mustard Seed and SWS. The Lord blessed and touched some of my family members through the ministry of COR too. Some of our domestic helpers found Christ in COR and all were ministered in our Filipino/Indonesian fellowships.

Without doubt, the rich Anglican heritage that emphasizes our apostolic roots, the God-directed liturgy and the Holy Spirit inspired worship has enabled the COR family to grow from strength to strength!

All Glory be to God!


Writer’s Profile:

Subasanran works in Nanyang Technological University. Both he and his wife worship at Sunday Worship Service while his son worships at Mustard Seed Service. Hwa Chiang and Grace are actively serving in the ekklesia Cell group and mission work. They have three children and a daughter-in-law worshipping in COR as well.


This article first appeared in Issue 7, April 2013 CHORUS Magazine.




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