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Yarn @ Heart

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Remember the pretty crocheted heart-shaped door gifts at the recent farewell dinner of Bishop Kuan? They were all hand-made with love by a group of ladies in COR. Find out more as Karen shares about this newly founded interest group.

BY KAREN WONG What Is Yarn @ Heart About? This is an interest group, comprising of some 20 ladies from both Sunday Worship Service (SWS) and Saturday Praise Service (SPS). In April this year, we were told that we needed to name our group. After some discussion, we adopted the name “Yarn @ Heart” because there are so many possibilities with yarns!

How It All Started? In May 2017, Yarn @ Heart started as a knitting workshop initiated by Creative Arts Ministry. The objective was to teach knitting and donating finished products to Nepal and Cambodia. There were 19 ladies and 1 young man who enrolled in the workshop. Some of the attendees were experienced while others, newbies. Over four weeks, we learned from one another and friendships were developed.

After the workshop ended, we continued on with more joining us. By November 2017, we sent a total of 127 cowls/scarves over to Nepal.

Other Projects Fund raising for missions In the midst of creating the pieces, we sieved out some “better” cowls/scarves and hats/beanie, and sold them to raise funds for missions. A total of $640.00 was raised.

Farewell Gift and Souvenirs In October, we created a blanket as a farewell gift for Bishop Kuan Kim Seng who retired in mid-2018. Mini hearts were crocheted and made into brooches and bookmarks. We managed to crochet 600 souvenirs within 3 weeks. We are thankful for the generosity of the members who not only took time and efforts to create those pieces but also pay for the yarns. This was indeed a labour of love.

What’s Next? Besides annual fundraising projects, it is also our desire to use yarn crafts as a tool for outreach. We hope to connect members of both the Chinese Congregation and Mustard Seed Service (MSS).

Personal Experience Eunice Dui invited me to the workshop, but I was initially reluctant because of the stress from juggling work, studying and care-giving. Though I had prior knowledge of both crocheting and knitting, I had not been crafting for more than 10 years. This workshop rekindled my passion. Today, I use knitting and crocheting as a means to destress. During free time, instead of reaching for the packet of chips, I reach for the yarns and needles. The benefit? Better weight management.

The other benefit is, I got to know fellow believers from other congregations. As I do not belong to a cell group, such sweet fellowship and support are things that I treasure. I made new friends who are also yarn craft enthusiasts – this created opportunities to share the gospel.

After accepting the Lord in 2001, Karen worshipped in Century Christian Fellowship from 2001 to 2009, before joining Chapel of The Resurrection (COR) in 2009. She has been serving in the children’s ministry since 2002, and is currently working in a government agency.

Issue 18

This article first appeared in Issue 18, July 2018 CHORUS Magazine.




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